Sunday, February 2, 2020

Marketing Activities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing Activities - Essay Example By moving its Apple Mac operating system from IBM and Freescale Semiconductor Intel chips, Apple has moved away from the up market computer image that it had, and is now positioned to attract any computer buyer (Lukovitz, 2007). Dell Computers has used the power of the Internet to provide awareness of its products and the place from where to acquire its products. To Dell Computers the Internet has been an extremely suitable means to provide the place of sale for its product of personal computers, targeting the market segment for personal and business purchase of computers. It is not that Dell computers has not used offline means to create awareness. It has used means like the television media for advertisements to create awareness, but has found the Internet more powerful and easier to gauge response of its promotional activities. The successful use of the Internet is what has powered Dell Computers to its leading position in the personal computer market (Enos, 2001). In a move to make use of the powerful players on the Internet, Dell Computers has strategically tied up with leader in Web search and advertising Google to ward off the threat from Hewlett-Packard. It will provide its Google desktop with Googl e Toolbar software on its personal computers, while Google will help create awareness and sales of the new PowerEdge servers from Dell. These efforts stem from competitor activities to cut into Dell’s market share through reduction in price. (Dells New Marketing Strategy - Google, Servers & Storage Systems). Dell Computers also uses innovative offline marketing promotion strategies. An example of this is in its attempts to reach out to the student market for personal computers and laptops. In 2007, it tested the promotion of its products through student’s mobile devices, using a free offer for a plasma TV and free music download, for

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